First Christian Church of Mount Ayr is an Open and Affirming congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Our Identity We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. As part of the one body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord’s Table as God has welcomed us. Our Vision To be a faithful, growing church, that demonstrates true community, deep Christian spirituality and a passion for justice. – Micah 6:8 Our Mission To be and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ, witnessing, loving and serving from our doorsteps “to the ends of the earth.” – Acts 1:8


These five guided sessions will take participants into a deeper reflection of what it truly means to live in covenantal relationship with each other, with the church, and with God.


The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada grew out of two movements seeking Christian unity that sprang up almost simultaneously in western Pennsylvania and Kentucky – movements that were backlashes against the rigid denominationalism of the early 1800s. Thomas and Alexander Campbell (Alexander pictured above), a Presbyterian Scotch-Irish immigrant father and son in Pennsylvania, and Barton W. Stone, a fifth-generation American in Kentucky and also a Presbyterian, objected to the use of creeds as tests of “fellowship” within the church, which were a cause of disunity, especially at the Lord’s table.