Our history

First Christian Church of Mount Ayr has a history dating back over 140 years and counting. Our thanks go to local historians Sharon Becker, Mike Avitt, Tony Mercer and many others for keeping Ringgold County history alive.


Mount Ayr's Christian Church was organized in 1881 by Reverend William Gadd of Ottumwa. He remained in Mount Ayr until 1884. The organizing congregation numbered twenty-three members. The church was incorporated May 25, 1883 and a location was chosen for the first church building. The structure was built for a total of $2,700, which included the lot, the building, and the furnishings, at 203 East Madison, one block east of the northeast corner of the square. The new House of Worship was dedicated January 13, 1884. A bell has hung in each of the three buildings to house the congregation. A bell was installed July 11, 1887 at a cost of $198.52, the money for the purchase raised by the Ladies Aid.


The Christian Church congregation outgrew their original church and built new one on the southwest corner of the square in 1911 with dedication in 1912. The church was gutted by fire in February 1980 while being renovated. The damage was so severe the church had to be razed. The bell and a large stained glass window were salvaged from the fire and were installed in the new church when it was built.

From the ashes

The groundbreaking ceremony for the new First Christian Church in Mount Ayr was held at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, March 8 at the site of the former church at 201 West Monroe. The groundbreaking was done by a hand-hewn plow that is over 100 years old and formerly belonged to Hugh Terwilliger's grandfather, then a member of the church. Ropes were attached to the plow allowing many to provide the "power" needed to move the plow. The bell rings each Sunday morning. The stained glass window graces the west wall of the sanctuary.